hold onto me造句


  1. On April 28, a music video was released for " Hold Onto Me ".
  2. She needs to be around me a lot, she likes to cuddle and hold onto me _ until its time to go to scouts,
  3. "Don't hold onto me, " he enjoined, " Go tell your brothers I will ascend to my Father ."
  4. I told my wife to hold onto me tight when I get home, because I'll probably be singing, jumping and dancing, just going crazy ."
  5. I clutch him too tightly, scrape the muck from his path with my bare hands, urge him to love me, hold onto me, let me protect him forever.
  6. It's difficult to find hold onto me in a sentence. 用hold onto me造句挺难的
  7. They realized late that they didn't want to let me go and made a concerted effort to hold onto me, and made it a sort of emotionally . . ."
  8. "You have to put the pole between your legs to reel them in, " he said . " I had to have a guy hold onto me for one of them ."


  1. "hold one to"造句
  2. "hold oneself"造句
  3. "hold oneself in"造句
  4. "hold onto"造句
  5. "hold onto a tree"造句
  6. "hold onto our love"造句
  7. "hold onto something"造句
  8. "hold onto your hat"造句
  9. "hold open"造句
  10. "hold order"造句

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